Tofu Scramble

Tofu scramble for breakfast or for lunch? Why not when ever you want? I made this tofu scramble last week for lunch, and it was amazing. If you like (or liked) scrambled eggs, firm tofu is a great alternative to use! Not only does it pack a protein punch, but it has no cholesterol or added fat, making it a way healthier choice than eggs. I don’t always tofu, but when I do, I always go firm! Firm tofu crumbles easily and has a texture (when cooked) that is similar to scrambled eggs. You can freeze it prior to use to give it even more texture, too (I used it straight outta the fridge).
Tofu scramble directions
1. Break the tofu up with your fingers and put in a large pan .
2. Add your favourite vegetables and spices.
3. Sauté
Yes, it is that simple!
No tricks of the trade or anything here. Just get those fingers dirty!
I saluted the tofu in a teaspoon of coconut oil with chopped onions, mushrooms, bell pepper, potato and finished it off with some spinach (add right before you dig in to eat!). I used about half of the 350g package of tofu we buy, but you can use more or less depending on your appetite and how many people you are cooking for. The dish is done when the tofu ‘crumbles’ are cooked through and the veggies are tender and to your liking. Turmeric is the secret spice I used that gives the tofu some colour here. I also added some cracked black pepper and a pinch of salt. You can add which ever spices you like, cumin and chili peppers work well but I just wanted something simple. When you dig in, you can rest assured knowing that there’s more than 20 grams of protein in this meal (this is for you proteinaholic’s out there) but that’s not really what matters here.. Good, healthy, wholesome food is what matters. Remember: If you are eating enough calories, you are getting enough protein.